PRAXI becomes an official GRESB Member | PRAXI成为GRESB的官方会员

PRAXI takes another step in contributing to the zero emissions goal and to a more sustainable planet by becoming an official Partner of GRESB.

Founded in 2009, the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) is the environmental, social and governance (ESG) standard of reference for real estate investors, developers and managers around the world.

The GRESB assessment requires the collection of extensive entity and asset level data, which is subjected to a rigorous analysis to certify compliance with ESG principles. The three benchmarking dimensions of the GRESB Assessment (Management, Performance and Development), provide companies with a clear and detailed representation of peer performance, making the GRESB benchmark a formidable tool that supports the definition of transition plans and the continuous improvement of portfolios.

Not only does the GRESB Assessment provide transparency and comparability of ESG performance across real estate and infrastructure assets, the rating system is designed to identify areas of improvements across the entire ESG spectrum.

Thanks to experience, PRAXI stands ready to assist clients in the collection of data and preparation for the GRESB Assessment.

“Over the past two years, the number of GRESB participants in Italy has grown exponentially, reflecting the strong and growing commitment to sustainability in the country,” said Anna Olink, GRESB’s Business Development Director. We are excited to welcome Praxi as a new regional partner to help Italian members make the most of their participation.”

Alfredo Romano, ESG Senior Advisor PRAXI adds: “Thanks to the partnership with GRESB, that provides a broad roadmap towards Net-Zero 2050, we can support our clients with competence and dedication. Immediate opportunities include defining transition plans that fully integrate sustainability into the core business strategy and processes that will enhance portfolio assets. We face a long and complex journey that will yield more responsible investors and managers, attentive to the creation of true long-term sustainable value.”



GRESB评估需要收集大量的实体和资产级别数据,并经过严格的分析以验证符合ESG原则。 GRESB评估的三个基准维度(管理、绩效和发展)为公司提供了对同行绩效的清晰和详细的描述,使GRESB成为支持制定转型计划和持续改进投资组合的强大工具。



GRESB的商务发展总监安娜·奥林克Anna Olink表示:“在过去两年里,意大利的GRESB参与者数量呈指数级增长,反映了该国对可持续发展的强烈和日益增长的承诺。”我们很高兴欢迎PRAXI作为新的区域合作伙伴,帮助意大利会员充分利用他们的参与。”

PRAXI的ESG高级顾问阿尔弗雷多·罗马诺 Alfredo Romano补充道:“通过与GRESB的合作,我们可以为客户提供关于2050年净零排放的广泛路线图,以及支持他们的能力和奉献精神。目前的机会包括制定完全将可持续性纳入核心业务战略和流程的转型计划,这将增强投资组合资产。我们将面临一段漫长而复杂的旅程,这将产生更负责任的投资者和管理者,关注真正的长期可持续价值的创造。”



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